Welcome to Lightness & Being, a blog devoted to improved health, artistic expression, and the healing power of beauty.

I am Gwendolyn Noles, a writer and thinker. May my words offer you a nice respite from your day and also give you an opportunity to think more provocatively.

Monday, August 15, 2011


We come into the world naked and alone. Some of us seek ardently for a union with another being. We seek such a union with friends, with parents, with sisters, with lovers. Some people, however, have no interest in union, and seek only to satisfy the desires of their own flesh. They seek only for their own contentment without ever considering that it causes separateness and sorrow rather than oneness and joy.

We will only find peace and lasting inner harmony by seeking oneness. If you wish to know the secret to understanding whether an action is good or bad, then know this: All actions that lead toward oneness are good. And all actions that lead to separation and multiplicity are bad. It is that simple.

A man who is interested only in feeding his stomach and goes into a house, kills and robs the people who live there, and then goes home to eat, drink, and be merry is of course performing an action that leads to the darkest and most sorrowful separation. No oneness can be achieved through such a selfish, senseless act.

Alternately, a man who gives himself entirely to helping those in his life who are in need is performing an action of the highest good, an action that leads to oneness.

Lovemaking is an act of oneness when it is performed as an act of love and worship of the other. Rape, on the other hand, or even simple domination and control of the other, is an act of separation and cannot ever lead to union or oneness.

Lies told to others are also actions that lead only to separation and never to oneness. To anyone who wants to lie and to control others, I can only say this: Lie all you want. Control all you want. But your actions will never lead to oneness and will only bring the worst kinds of karma to you.

We have free will, but we also must acknowledge that we have to face certain realities. One such reality is that if you wish to find soul satisfaction, love, and peace in this life, you should act always out of a desire for oneness with others, with all other people, with all living creatures.

When you deify your actions, when you make them sacred, you become united with everyone and everything, and most of all, you become united with the Divine. From that center, you can never fail.

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