Welcome to Lightness & Being, a blog devoted to improved health, artistic expression, and the healing power of beauty.

I am Gwendolyn Noles, a writer and thinker. May my words offer you a nice respite from your day and also give you an opportunity to think more provocatively.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Time for All Things

I learned a long time ago that there is a time for all things, and I made a deal with myself that I would always respect the times when I have nothing to say and therefore nothing to write. Some writers write even when they have nothing to say, but I fear their work suffers from it. My philosophy has always been that, if you want to give to others of yourself, to give of your ideas and your perceptions, then you should write these down only when they would be relevant to those reading your words. So, I've taken some time away to just fill up the empty well inside me and now that it is full once more, I write once more and hope it might be something good for others to read and consider.

Like Thoreau who took time away from the world to live simply and well, to live on the land and by the land, I have done similarly of late. There is nothing in this world that I have found which is more satisfying than physical work--the kind of work that makes you sweat but that at the end of it, you see a clear result. It gives you a beautiful sense of completion that is rarely obtained in writing.

I write a great deal, and I have been recently toying with the idea of a new book project which I've started outlining, but the reality is: I will write the book and then offer it to others for sale. After that, my hands are no longer really involved. It either sinks or swims on its own. If I did my job right, it will sell. If not, it will languish on some lonesome shelf--as it should if I failed. In any case, the project scheme is never really so complete as the process of say, planting new flowers, watering them, and then seeing them flourish.

My life is simpler in some ways when I don't write, but it is also more complicated. When I don't write, I don't express all that I feel. But as far as I'm concerned, it's not always the right time to express your feelings. It's sometimes good to give your ideas and emotions time to grow and become something better in silence before putting it on the page.

Now, it is time for me to share myself once more in a book, so here on the blog, I will be sometimes less present. Just the same, know, dear readers, that I will return when the odd thought comes along that I hope to share. Until then, namaste.

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